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7 tips for deep sleeping everyone should know

Tips for deep sleeping, What is sleep? Sleep is a naturally recurring position of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, inhibited sensory activities, reduced muscles activity, inhibited all voluntary muscles during rapid eye movement sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings.

Tips for deep sleeping, During sleep, the majority of the body system is in an anabolic state and helps to restore the nervous, immune, muscular, and skeletal systems. These processes are vital and play an important role to maintain mood, memory, cognitive function, endocrine, and immune system. Our internal circadian clock promotes sleep daily at night.

The most pronounced physiological changes occur in the brain during sleep. The brain uses less energy during sleep in comparison to awake conditions. The brain restores the supply of adenosine triphosphate in its area that is less active. The work-related to short-term storage and energy transport is performed by molecule.

Sleep also increases the sensory threshold. During slow-wave sleep, humans secrete bursts of growth hormone. Prolactin secretes during the time of each and every sleep. 

How many hours one should sleep in a day?

The period of normal sleeping hours vary as per the age of the individual. The newborn baby needs more time to sleep in comparison to senior citizens. The normal sleep time chart includes as under,

Chart of sleep required for each age group

AgeSleep Required
Newborn 0-3months15 to 18 hours
Infants 4-11months12 to 15 hours
Toddlers 1-2 years11 to 14 hours
Pre-school 3-4 years10 to 13 hours
School going 5-12 years9to 11 hours
Teenagers 13-17 years8 to 10 hours
Adults 18 to 60 years7 to 9 hours
60 to above years7 to 8 hours

Function of sleep

Tips for deep sleeping, During sleep human beings restore themselves. During sleep heart rate, oxygen consumption decrease. The reduced rate of metabolism enables restorative processes in the body and brain both.
The essential function of sleep is to give a restorative effect on the brain. “ sleep is of the brain, by the brain, and for the brain”.

During the awake period, brain metabolism generates reactive oxygen species that damage brain cells and slow down their proper function.  During sleep, metabolic rate decrease and, the generation of reactive oxygen reduces, and the restorative process starts. So sleep is very essential for human beings.  Anabolic hormones and growth hormones are secreted during sleep.

So deep and sound sleep help renovate our body. I am discussing here a few tips which can increase deep and sound sleep.

1.Prepare a sleep schedule and comply strictly

Tips for deep sleeping, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary for an adult human being. Go to bed strictly at 22:00 hours at night and get up early in the morning at 05:00 AM or at 06:00 AM.   And maintain this schedule daily. If you do not fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes leave the bed and do some relaxing work, such read a book, listening to music, etc.

2.Do not take heavy dinner

Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed.  Avoid large meals at bedtime.  It may cause indigestion, bloating, and discomfort.  Do not consume such food at bed hours which contains nicotine and caffeine. 

3.Go to bed tense-free

The bedroom must be cool, dark, and quiet. Go to bed after taking a bath. Remain tense-free at bedtime.  Do not use mobile, computer, or television at bedtime.

4.Manage worries and stress

If you are feeling stress, anxiety, and worries at bedtime.  It will definitely disrupt your sleep. Do stress-removing yoga activities, such as meditation, and make yourself stress-free.

5.Do morning walk and evening walk daily

Go to morning walk and move approximately 9000 steps daily in the morning and 1000 steps in the evening after taking dinner. You will feel good and healthy after performing the morning walk and evening walk and help you get sound and deep sleep.

6.Perform regular yoga activity and exercise

Yoga activity and exercise are beneficial and help to get sound and deep sleep. You will feel better and healthy and get sound sleep at night.

7.Take deep and long breaths

If you are feeling difficulty in sleeping, anxiety, tension. You may lie down on the bed and take a long and deep breath in and breathe out slowly and slowly. Repeat this process, again and again, you will definitely get sleep within a short time.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tips for deep sleeping

Q. How can I sleep within 10 minutes after going to bed?

Ans. Stick to a sleep schedule, pay attention to your food habit, do not go to bed hungry and stuffed, create a rest full environment in the room, do physical activity, yoga, and morning walk daily. It will help you get deep sleep.

Q. Whether milk helps you sound asleep?

Ans. Milk is a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to induce or promote sleep. So we must drink 250 ml warm milk at bedtime.

Q. whether bananas help you sleep?

Ans. Banana contains sleep-inducing nutrients such as magnesium, tryptophan, carbs, vitamin B 6, and potassium. So naturally bananas will induce sleep.

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