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best healthy digestion for children [2021]

Best healthy digestion for children, The gut health of a child depends on the diet given to them.  If we feed our children fried,  spicy and fatty foods which are not gut-friendly, it will definitely upset their digestive system. And the child will not get proper physical and mental development.

We must feed them such food which contains proper and balanced nutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and liquid.  Carb and fat for energy, protein is essential for bodybuilding and repair of cells. Vitamin and minerals for the smooth functioning of different parts of the human body and prevent disease. Fiber promotes good gut health and feeds gut-friendly bacteria.

So we must give below mentioned food items to children for their good gut health

  • Yogurt : It is prebiotic which promotes good bacteria in our gut.
  • Fruits and vegetables : Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Fiber plays an important role to promote good gut health and preventing constipation.We must give apples, bananas, beans, orange, guava, carrot to our children.
  • Liquid : Liquid is also essential for good gut health. It not only hydrates but also enhances bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  • Cheese : Cheese is also good for the gut health of children. It is a good source of calcium.

Food which should be avoided

  • Artificial color food : We should avoid the intake of colored snacks which contain a high quantity of sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  • Avoid the intake of processed foods : Processed foods are high in sodium, which is harmful to our kidneys.  So we must avoid the intake of processed foods such as chips etc.
  • Avoid the intake of sauces : Sauce contains sodium and unhealthy fat which affects our kidneys badly. So we should not intake sauce.
  • Avoid energy drinks : Energy drinks contain added sugar which is harmful full our gut health.  We should avoid its intake.

If we do not feed children nutritious and healthy food they will feel the below-mentioned ailments, such as

  • Gas : During drinking soda etc. children might swallow extra air which causes pain in the stomach.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting : Some time we do not properly wash fruits and vegetables before we cook. This food may cause infection in kids’ guts. So before cooking, we must wash food properly and follow proper hygiene rules.
  • Nausea and vomiting : Sometimes due to viral infection children may feel vomiting and nausea with fever. In such a situation, we must hydrate our kids.

In the above ailments, we must get the advice of a specialist doctor.  

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Frequently Asked Question About best healthy digestion for children

Q. What is good for breakfast that enhances digestion?

Ans. We must include yogurt, banana, oats, apples, flaxseeds in our breakfast. We can also add cornflakes, sweet corn, vegetable sandwich, and various types of milkshakes, etc in breakfast that are gut-friendly.

Q. Whether banana is easy to digest?

Ans. Ripe Banana is rich in carbohydrates and easily digestible.

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