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5 amazing Figs benefits in Weight Loss

Figs benefits in Weight Loss, The fig is a soft, sweet fruit, contains thin skin, many small seeds inside of it. It is eatables when it is ripe and dried. Figs grow in warm climates. It is green or purple in color.  It contains red flesh and the entirety of the fruit is edible.

Figs are rich in calcium and potassium and are best to enhance bone density and prevent osteoporosis, improve bone health. It is also used to treat diseases of the endocrine, digestive system and reproductive system.  

Nutritional value of figs are as under

One medium size(2 ¼”)fig contains

Dietary fiber1gm

Benefits of figs are as under

Figs benefits in Weight Loss, It is widely used by the doctors of  Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine in the treatment of various disease such as,

  • Respiratory disease.
  • Endocrine disease.
  • Disease of digestive tract.
  • Disease of reproductive organs.
  • Enhance immune system.

Properties of figs

  • It is a good antioxidants.
  • It contains cell-protective properties.
  • It has anti cancer properties.
  • It contains anti inflammatory properties.

Due to these properties, it is being used widely for the treatment of many ailments of the human body.

Figs are low in calories and rich in fiber, which makes it very filling. When we add high-fiber food like figs into a balanced diet, it keeps full between meals and avoids too much eating, which enhances weight loss.

5 Amazing Figs Health Benefits in Weight Loss

1. It is rich in fiber

Figs are rich in dietary fiber, keeping the stomach full for a long period. Fiber also strengthens the digestive system and enhances the bowel movement system.

2. Enhance digestion

It contains an enzyme “ficin” which boosts and maintains the digestive system. It also helps in the digestion of food smoothly and quickly.  

3. It help in calorie burn

Figs contain omega 3 fatty acids which burn more calories in the muscles during exercise and hence help in weight loss.

4. Enhance metabolism

It is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus,  calcium, copper, and manganese which play an important role in weight loss. It is also rich in vitamin A and B, which enhance metabolism.

5. It is low in calorie

It is a low-calorie food, consumed in snacks reduces the calorie intake. However, we should intake only 3 or 4  figs in snacks.

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Frequently asked questions about Figs benefits in Weight Loss

Q. Do soaked figs boost weight loss?

Ans. Yes, before soaking figs into the water, we must clean the same with tape water. The soaking process makes it easier to digest and helps absorb nutrients easily. Adding water also makes it hydrated and more filling, making it fit weight loss.

Q. Whether we can drink fig soaked water?

Ans. Yes, figs soaked water is good for health. Soaked figs are also good and prevent constipation.

Q. Whether figs help burn belly fat?

Ans. A healthy digestive system maintains and controls weight. The figs are rich in fiber, low calorie, rich in omega 3 fatty acid, which helps burn more calories in the muscles and reduce weight and belly fat.

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