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What are the health benefits of dried kiwi? [2022]

Dried kiwi, We can not preserve kiwi fresh and juicy for a long period. So we can use dried kiwi in place of juicy, fleshy kiwi.

It is a  bank of different nutrients as it is rich in anti-oxidants properties,  fiber, vitamin c, zeaxanthin, lutein. it contains a high amount of anti-oxidants that boosts immunity and help prevent respiratory infection such as asthma,  cold, cough, etc. Dried kiwi is also rich in fiber, hence it enhances digestive health.

The zeaxanthin and lutein in kiwi fruit improve our eyesight. It contains double vitamins in comparison to orange. But it does not contain water, lost some amount of vitamin C. By weight dried kiwi contains more than 3.5  times the fiber, folate, and minerals.  

Now we may discuss the benefits of dry kiwi as under

1. Contains a high amount of Calories and fat

It contains 6 times more calories than the fresh and fleshy juicy. The increase in calorie occurs due to the drying process of fruit. it is also covered with added sugar. it also includes 0.5 g of fat, a low amount of fat, which makes it a good option for low-fat diets.

2. Rich in Carbohydrates and fiber

One cup of dried kiwi fruit contains  43 g carbohydrates and 0.5g fiber.

3. Rich in minerals

It is rich in iron and calcium. One cup of kiwi contains 4 percent calcium of daily requirement which boosts bone density and strength. The antioxidants present in dry kiwi prevent periodontitis, an inflammatory condition of gums. One cup of dried kiwi contains 3% iron of daily requirement, which increases the production of red blood cells.

4. Dried kiwi is high in sugar

During the process of preparation of dried kiwi granulated sugar is added, which makes it high in sugar. One cup of dried kiwi contains 23 gm sugar, which is very high.  It may cause unwanted weight gain and tooth decay. Thus we must avoid the intake of added sugar dried kiwi.   Consume only that kiwi that does not contain added sugar. Do not consume more than 25 gm sugar a day.

How to prepare dried kiwi?

Though it is freely available in the market.  But prior to the drying process, the fruit is treated with sulfur oxide. In some people, it may trigger symptoms of asthma. 

Thus it is better to prepare dried kiwi at home. 

There are 3 ways to dehydrate kiwi, such as

  • Sun-dried
  • Oven-dried
  • Dehydrator dried

You may use any method  Kiwi must be ripped. Hold kiwi in your palm. Press the fruit lightly. if it gives a little. It is ripe and best for further process.

1. In the oven

  • Take ripe kiwi fruit. Wash with water and make dry.
  • Mix two tablespoons of ascorbic acid in a cup of water.
  • Dip your fruit into the mixture before dehydration.
  • Make a slice of kiwi fruit into ¼  inch disc.
  • Bake on a drying rack over a cookies sheet at 150-170 degrees for 3-4 hours.
  • Store in an air-tight container; otherwise fruit will get moisture again.

2. In a dehydrator

This process of dehydration takes a little more time than the oven.  After washing, drying, and making a slice of kiwi, follow the instructions mentioned on the dehydrator for drying of kiwi.

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