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Best time to eat papaya for weight loss

papaya for weight loss, Papaya is a  nutritious and very popular fruit. It came to India around 300 years ago. The tree is fast-growing and small. The height of the tree ranges from 20 feet to 30 feet.  Fruits start within the first year of the plantation. The fruit contains a lot of black seeds in its center. The shape of this fruit is oval. And the skin is of green and yellow color. And orange to the yellow color pulp which is sweet in taste and has good flavor.

The area where Papaya is grown

It is being produced in Karnataka, Gujrat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal. More than 46% of the total production of world papaya is produced in India.

To know if the green mask sticks are good or bad visit here.

How many verities of papaya are in India

At present many varieties of papaya is grown in a different part of India, such as Pusa dwarf, Pusa Majesty,  Pusa giants, Pusa delicious, maha Bindu, solo, and Ranchi.

Nutrients value of papaya

It is rich in an enzyme called papain, which can break down the chain of protein found in muscle meat. If papaya is ripe, it is instant eatable. Un-ripe papaya must be cooked before eating.  The black seeds of these fruits are edible but are bitter in taste.

One small papaya of 150  gm contains nutrients such as,

Carbohydrates16 gm
Fiber04 gm
Protein01.5 gm
Vitamin C157 % of RDI
Vitamin A33% of the RDI
Folate14% of the RDI
Potassium11% of the RDI

It contains traces of Vitamin B1, B3, B5, E, and K and traces of minerals such as magnesium and calcium. Papaya contains antioxidants such as carotenoids (Lycopene).

Various Benefits of papaya in weight loss

We can get sufficient results related to weight loss, it is necessary to consume papaya during breakfast.  We can also consume it as a snack during lunch and dinner periods. It will make you feel full for a longer period and avoid unnecessary hunger.

As far as breakfast is concerned we can add it with good quality protein and a small amount of healthy fat. It is good for the liver, improves digestion, and helps detoxify the liver.  It is a low-calorie food and can be eaten as a healthy snack. It is rich in natural fiber and enhances digestion.  It is also rich in papain which is a good source of detoxification.

How to follow the papaya diet


Consume one glass of almond milk or oats meal water which is full of fiber and contains fiber that is sufficient for the whole day.  And after half an hour consume papaya. Follow it for two consecutive days.


On the first day take a salad containing tomatoes, spinach, olives, and garlic with some salt and put some drops of lemon juice. After half an hour drink a glass of papaya juice. On the 2nd day consume some baked vegetables like eggplant and spinach. Followed with a glass of papaya juice after half an hour.

Evening snacks

Take 250 gm papaya and some pineapple.  Blend them together to make a smoothie and drink the same.


On the first day Prepare vegetable broth with lemon juice, celery, and onions in approximately one bowl.   Consume it with 200 gm papaya. 2nd day take some light dinner along with a  bowl of diced papaya.

Papaya seeds weight loss

Papaya seeds are also good for weight loss.  Small black seeds of papaya are good to eliminate toxins from our body, protect our liver and preventing cirrhosis of the liver, and boost up kidney function. Consume 6-7 seeds in the morning in the form of paste and also intake a  glass of grapefruits.

Frequently Asked Question about papaya for weight loss

Q. What are the side effects of papaya?

Ans. Do not consume it in large amounts or applies to the skin as papaya late. Eating a large amount by mouth causes damage to the food pipe Esophagus.

Q. Who should not eat papaya?

Ans. It is rich in papain, so It should not be taken by pregnant ladies, as it can be harmful to the baby and can lead to birth defects. And also do not consume during the breastfeeding period also.

Q. Can anybody eat papaya every day?

Ans. Yes, everybody can take it daily but the proper adequate quantity should be incorporated into the daily meal schedule to get the full benefit. It is a bowl full of fruit. If we take it daily in adequate quantity it will energize and strengthen the immune system against many diseases.

Q. Can we take milk and papaya together?

Ans. No, never take milk and papaya together because it causes diarrhea. In case you are suffering from constipation take papaya at night followed by milk as per requirement.

Q. At what time should we eat papaya for weight loss?

Ans. For weight loss, we must include papaya in our breakfast. It is low in calories and full of fiber making us feel full for long period and keeping us away from unnecessary hunger. Papaya contains digestive enzymes papain. It is better to take it in the morning empty stomach. It will clear the toxins of the digestive tract, heal stomach ulcer and makes bowl movement smooth and keep away digestive disorder like stomach upset, bloating, constipation, and irritation of the bowel system.

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