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Why Foodie Men suffer less from Different Disorders

Yes, it is true that there so men would like to eat more and people call them foodie men but you have to understand that there are several diseases you can avoid by eating too much and several foods. Basically foodie men do not judge the foods which they will eat or which they will not eat.

Though it does not indicate that they do not have any favorite foods or fruits but as they would prefer to eat their thoughts remain confine within foods. They become happy if they are being able eat and it does not matter for them is it in their own house, or any invitation or restaurant or any party. That’s why they do not need to take any medicines such as Cenforce 200.  

Why foodie people do not need medicines or why do they not suffer more from several diseases?

Actually it is very important to know this question’s answer. When men do not eat properly or may not get time to eat by giving excuses of work load and many more reasons they are lacking of several materials which men’s body needs to be healthy such as vitamins, proteins, fibers, sodium, potassium, calcium, several minerals etc. so, when you are lacking of several vitamins, which are very essential or your body is not being able to provide enough fiber which is very important to make foods digest, as well as vitamins and protein protect body from several diseases.

Fruits are also very important to get these materials and nuts, seeds also. So, apart from the fast food if you eat healthy diet and if you are fond of eating (foodie) you can prevent several unwanted diseases. Some men would prefer eggs too much, some green vegetables, some sea fishes, some salmon fish, some like to drink milk and water more also.

Therefore, if you eat fruits like apple, pine apple, guava, water melon, mangoes, jack fruits, grapes, black berries etc they get sufficient diseases preventing power. This disease preventing power creates automatically through these natural materials and most importantly these foodie men do not have any stress and you must know that maximum diseases come or occur because of stress in human life. So, you do not need to take medicines for controlling your stress or anxiety such as Fildena 150 mg etc.

You must remember that only stress free person can become foodie:

Yes, it is absolutely true that only a stress free person can be stress free. If you have stress problem or if men under the stress or anxiety then they cannot eat properly.

They would not feel the appetite to eat and to get body fitness all men need to maintain a healthy diet since the morning to the dinner time but unfortunately for any reasons such as official matter, economical matter or personal matter whatever if you are remained under the stress or anxiety trouble then you cannot eat.

In fact you feel depression or become frustrated about your life. Therefore you will become weak and unhealthy. Gradually your body will start to suffer from several diseases.

Men get maximum diseases because of stress:

Men get several types of diseases because of unwanted stress such as sleeping disorder or you may call this disease as insomnia, diabetes which is two types, and diabetes bring a lot of physical trouble such as insomnia. Research says that because of insomnia you can get dementia disease where people start to lose their memory slowly because they cannot sleep and naturally if you are not being able to sleep your brain will not get rest. However an anxiety will go on and it damages other organs such as liver, kidney, heart etc.

In fact, men can get thyroid because of tremendous stress and thyroid is too bad for health.

Vidalista 60 medicines effect on kidneys directly though it works slowly. When you are under the stress and cannot sleep night to night you cannot digest your foods properly. As a result you will get inflammation or abdominal trouble directly. This will damage your liver, stomach slowly.

In fact you will get constipation trouble and it starts then piles will be appeared. Piles, insomnia, heart, kidneys, diabetes, etc these diseases are chronic and then you have to take medicines, have to routine check up and you also have to consult with the doctors.

Apart from this, you will start to lose your body weight; you can feel to take proper breath frankly. So, these are all the effect of stress. Survey says out of 100% diseases 80% diseases happened because of stress which men take or get because of several reasons from different parts of their lives.


You should eat healthy foods and fruits and drink fresh water sufficiently daily. Men should do yoga, physical exercise and talk with the positive mentality close people to reduce the stress. However men must remember that foodie men can gain immunity power automatically which help them to prevent the various diseases than others.   

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